How my boyfriend got me to watch Star Wars


Let me tell you about the time my boyfriend convinced me to watch Star Wars when we first started dating. He was a huge Star Wars fan, while I had never seen any of the movies. After months of persuasion and a bribe involving my favorite chips, I finally gave in. What happened next was quite an experience.

The Force was not Strong with Me

I had no idea what I was getting into when we started watching the movie. As each Star Wars movie begins with text on the screen, indicating important background information, I didn’t realize its significance. This lack of knowledge left me clueless about the storyline, making it challenging to follow the plot.

Asleep in a Galaxy Far, Far Away

Just ten minutes into the movie, I found myself struggling to stay engaged. Without the context provided by the introductory text, I quickly lost interest. To make matters worse, my dwindling snack supply left me feeling less enthusiastic about the movie. Eventually, the combination of confusion and a full belly led me to drift off to sleep.

The Aftermath

Despite my unsuccessful first attempt at watching Star Wars, the experience brought us closer together. It became a running joke between us, and we shared many laughs over my inability to stay awake during the movie. While I may not have grasped the intricacies of the plot that night, I gained a memorable story to look back on fondly.


1. How did your boyfriend convince you to watch Star Wars?
2. What did you struggle with during the movie?
3. How did your lack of understanding the introductory text impact your viewing experience?
4. Why did you fall asleep during the movie?
5. How did the experience bring you and your boyfriend closer together?


1. My boyfriend’s persistence and a bribe involving my favorite chips eventually convinced me to watch Star Wars.
2. I found it challenging to follow the plot due to my lack of understanding of the introductory text.
3. Not reading the introductory text left me clueless about the storyline, making it difficult to stay engaged with the movie.
4. A combination of confusion from the plot and a full belly from snacks led me to fall asleep during the movie.
5. Despite the initial challenges, the experience became a shared joke between us, bringing us closer together and providing us with a memorable story to cherish.

By Hogan